My other life

nedjelja, 04.03.2007.


Dragi citatelji,

obavjestavamo Vas da smo promijenili naziv projekta iz "Living Ethno Project" u "Ethno Orbit".

Dijelimo s Vama obavijest koju smo proslijedili medijima, agencijama te institucijama s kojima kontaktiramo u Hrvatskoj:

"Buduci da projekt na kojem radimo u okviru virtualnog svijeta „Second Life“, a vezano uz promociju hrvatske kulturne bastine, prirodnih ljepota Hrvatske te hrvatske turisticke ponude uopce, poprima ozbiljnije razmjere te pobudjuje i medijsku paznju u Hrvatskoj, odlučili smo napraviti dodatne korake u poslovnom istrazivanju radi dodatne kontrole ispravnosti promocije naseg projekta pod inicijalnim nazivom „Living Ethno Project“.

Pretraživanjem smo dosli do uvida u registar poduzeca registriranih pri Trgovackom sudu te smo pronasli naziv poduzeca registriranog pod vrlo slicnim imenom..

Radi postivanja poslovne etike te izbjegavanja bilo kakve mogucnosti stvaranja konfuzije ili pogresnih asocijacija na spomenuto ime projekta, odlucili smo promijeniti njegovo ime.

Novo ime projekta je „Ethno Orbit“, a izabrali smo ga jer smatramo da objedinjuje etnografski lokalni aspekt promocije Hrvatske sa visom dimenzijom svjetske multikulturalne razmjene, i sve zaokruženo simbolikom orbite kao putanje i putovanja, a u nasem slucaju i turizma..."

....te obavijest clanovima nase Second Life grupe, na engleskom jeziku:

"As our project is progressively getting serious dimension, becoming intensively monitored by Croatian media, we have made additional detailed business research, and found out that one Croatian company registred under very similar name.

Following business ethics, and trying to avoid any kind of confusion or similar association on the name, we have decided to change the name of our project.

You are all welcome to our new "Ethno Orbit" SL Group.

Zen & Laviede thank you for understanding."

- 13:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 04.01.2007.

The Croatian underground comic book artist promotion

Well, here I am again, after longer delay. Lot of interesting stuff going around here, after my entrance to SL before month and so.

As SL is really becoming huge community, there is always happy felling when you meet someone that is from your country, in this virtual phenomenon.

So, I decided to start with making a cloth. Why not, even there is a bunch of freebies, which is so valuable, I thought maybe making own stuff would be a great idea. And instantly came to my mind, why not to promote someone that is close to you. And then I decide that my first T-shirt will be devoted to my blogger friend, and SL resident.

He is underground comic book artist with unbelievable gift for drawing.

One more, very important thing. "NACRTANI" is (I think) first Croatian blogger that is presented in Second Life.

And here are snapshot samples, as follows:

T-shirt (front and back side) - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

On me wearing - front side - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

On me wearing - back side - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

By the laptop, where you can acess NACRTANI blog web site (on Croatian language) - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

- 19:48 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 19.11.2006.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Irwin&Zohari Arts & Designs - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

Second Life can be a really true experience. It is not just about meeting people, and talking to them virtually. It is fascinating how people take that new virtual world seriously. The real world is happening there even it is seems to be virtual from our perspective. I can say, its looking is only thing that is virtual there, everything else is real. That is a world with real characters and real happenings…

I will use this chance to write about one great art gallery which I have found in Second Life (SL) on my second day living there. I was really amazed how polite and open the hosts were to me. Immediately, it came to my mind how complicated is sometimes to approach to people dealing with business in real life. They were friendly and open-minded, ready to listen and discuss new ideas. Simply to say, our communication was constructive and pleasant. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

The art gallery owners are Mrs. Karen Zohari and Mr. Roy Irwin. They are Dutch and Australian by their origins. They designed and built their own art gallery with motto: “to bring more art to a wider public”, but not just to public in SL.

They are great artists and work with real artists in real world too. It is fantastic how they put those two worlds together. This is a phenomenon of SL – your virtual dreams can become real and successfully supplement your real business and interests, and make it even more attractive and user friendly to your audience, clients, customers…The idea matches Karen’s and Roy’s business and life philosophy, which I have tried to illustrate in the above stated “motto”.

You can also consider it even in deeper economical context. Second Life can be treated as place of marketing research, test of new and development of existing products, as well as media for promotional activities…place of your business creativity. It can be a valuable resource additional to you real business resources. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

Let us back to Karen’s and Roy’s gallery. When I entered there for the first time I was impressed by design and atmosphere of the place. I almost forgot that I am in virtual world. The wooden floor perfectly gives warmth to modern design of the gallery. It is space full and originally organized with few floors and carefully chosen views. The view on the sea gave me peace and inspiration. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

The gallery is mostly visited by other artists and residents interested in fine arts in general.
It is great how you can simply make relationship with them, even if you are not an artist by profession, you may just be an art lover. You do not have to be officially invited to visit the gallery or limited by its working hours, just passing and stopping by will be enough to exchange impressions and experiences.

Although you can take a walk and visit the gallery by the middle of the night, if you wish so, you will also be informed by owners on all contests, and events, trough official SL news and guidance. Second Life community is well structured, and organized by events, places and groups of people having interests in specific areas. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

I was impressed by one of such happenings which Karen and Roy organized. That was and still is the contest for photographers. The photographers may apply and compete with their work, and one of them will win opportunity to exhibit for free in the gallery for 2 weeks period. Detailed information can be found in the Irwin & Zohari Arts & Designs gallery. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

I personally experienced the above explained by being offered to apply with my work. Actually, one of my photos is participating in the contest, and I am really amazed how real and interesting it looks there.

In order to share my impression with you and to illustrate it as good as possible, I would like to show the snapshot I took there. That is virtual me in front of my real photo in the contest area of the gallery complex. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

The gallery is really worth of visit. You can enjoy there by looking at art work, talking to people, teleporting yourselves to various floors and areas, being informed by Roy and Karen about new projects or simply contemplating in art.

In all SL places as well as in this gallery there are lots of surprises, such as gifts, free information etc., and I was wary happy when I “found” a free T-shirt gift, very nicely designed with visual identity of Irwin & Zohari Arts & Designs. As you can see I like to wear it. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

Gallery artwork portfolio

It is my pleasure to present to you the gallery artwork portfolio, in order to illustrate the level of their professionalism and quality.

Among others, both Karen and Roy are also having their artworks exhibited in their gallery.

Here are some facts on artists presently exhibiting in the gallery, which I am listing here in original as they are stated by the gallery owners:

Artside Mainline:"(SL name for a well known, fantastic young british artist) who has granted us the pleasure of representing him and his work. At the moment we are displaying his work from The Aboriginal series. Artside is known for his exhibitions in several countries throughout the world of first life.“

Aj Dinkin:"AJ is a painter, photographer, and graphic designer currently working on clothing and product design in SL marketed under the A2 Design logo. Heavily influenced by Cezanne and Picasso, the paintings are oil on canvas, exploring cubism and post cubism with a post-modern eye. Two of her paintings were selected for inclusion in the New Media Consortium SL Campus' AHO Museum and Gallery. She is also on display at the Phoenicia Center."

Carlo Pimpernel: "Every painting is for me an image of music. How do people listen to music? Some will be struck by the form in which a composition is cast, others will be only be sensitive to the coloring and timbres of the sounds, while yet another will accept it as an experience without awareness of any particular aspects. And, although that's just fine, it is still possible as a listener to make wonderful discoveries in structure, color or melody, what finally matters is that they are affected.

The same is true about my paintings. While I certainly devote careful attention to form, composition, color, size and texture, the sole criterion is for me that the final result gives me, and I hope those seeing it, a moment of happiness. I am free to paint how I want, without following a trend or aiming to adopt a particular style. Certainly I have no desire to be an innovator, although I happily rally to Stravinsky in his saying that he was unable to imagine that his music would make a strange impression on the listener.“ - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

As Karen and Roy said: „ALL ARTWORK can be purchased in 1st life”, and of course directly in Second Life.

The Second Life address of the gallery is Irwin & Zohari Arts & Designs, Limantour (215, 161, 50).

- 21:52 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I have finally visited Second Life, and I have became a part of it, the same as Second Life has became part of myself.

So I decided to start with writing of some kind of diary, because, it is not just a game, it is life, real life in other life, which affects this life in all aspects, I could say in better way.

It will be my pleasure to share with you my impressions of that "new" world to me, although it is still my third day in Second Life.

My name is Zen Itokawa, and second day of my life in Second Life I decided to start writing a diary. The idea came to me while I was sitting by the fire, as you can see on the snapshot below. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service


TV station "Channel 4" published, among other TV houses, very interesting report about "Second Life". Please take a look.



One of the best "Second Life" trailers made by Javier Puff.

- 12:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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